Sunday, March 26, 2006

Other things I'm up to

In addition to the diversion of the Muppet scarf, I am also working on a scarf for my aunt:

one for my husband:
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and a shrug for me:
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Some recently finished objects coming soon!

Friday, March 24, 2006

My newest WIP

After about a 3 year hiatus from one of my LYSs, I dropped in yesterday for a look around. The hiatus was the result of a couple of less than stellar experiences. Fortunately, I recently came across a review of the store and, while I was not the only one who had a negative experience some time ago, it turns out that the place is under new, friendlier management. So, I bought some yarn. And some back issues of Family Circle Easy Knitting. (Apparently in one of the many moves over the last several years, they lost track of me...and I was too busy with mommying, working, schooling, and life in general to notice! I still like the magazine, so I'll probably restart my subscription ASAP.)

I picked up one hank of Ttrendsetter's Voila in a teal (color 05) and two balls of something Italian (no ball band at the moment, I'll get back to you on that...) in a muted rainbow colorway because I think my mother needs a Muppet-ish scarf. So here's the bias fella I started last night:

This gifty has no actual deadline, but it will be great for some mindless quick rows while working on my other guys. I'll introduce you to the others (as well as some recently finished objects) soon.

(Too many parentheses, right?)

Thursday, March 23, 2006


Here we have it!

I have been on the fence about this blog business for weeks. Don't get me wrong...I read'em every day. I just wasn't sure I had enough to say that other people would give a good gosh darn about. Well, I suppose now we'll all find out, eh?